Rules and Policies
All Rules and Policies of Aggie Con are listed below. Aggie Con Staff reserves the right to utilize discretion to ask that any behavior of Convention Attendees deemed inappropriate immediately cease. If multiple warnings are issued, the attendee may be removed from the convention.
Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and can be grounds for immediate removal
AggieCon spaces require a badge to ensure security of property and persons
Children under the age of 10 must be with their parents at all tomes. Between the ages of 11 and 17 may roam freely, however parents/guardians are responsible for their children's actions.
Aggie Con has adult content. For certain panels, events, and areas, minors may either require the presence of a parent/guardian or may not be allowed at all.
There may be no drugs or alcohol in the Aggie Con convention spaces.
We are not respionsible for what happens during private parties/events.
Badges must be displayed at all times while in the convention space. Badges much be clearly visible and in a location where security may easily identify it as one issued by this convention. Security reserves the right to request that you relocate your badge to a more visible location. After three requests, security reserves the right to request that you relocate your badge to their custody and remove yourself from the convention space.
Security reserves the right to request that you made additions to your costume in order to provide appropriate coverage. Aggie Con takes place in the Memorial Student Center, and all cosplays must align with the rules of the MSC.​
Weapons of any kind are NOT allowed.
No matter who you are cosplaying, if a cop would cite you for indecent exposure, it’s inappropriate. You will be politely asked to change and refusal will be grounds for removal.
Hats are highly discouraged, but not against the rules. Because the convention is in the Memorial Student Center, it is encouraged to remove hats when entering the building. The building pays respect to fallen veterans who have served for our country. Hats may be worn for the cosplay contest.
Cosplay is not consent. Attendees should ask cosplayers for permission before touching or taking pictures. Unwanted touching or photographing will be grounds for removal.
This is an alcohol free convention. Please limit consumption of alcohol to non-convention spaces. Any incidents of underage drinking that are brought to the attention of convention staff will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Concealed Carry
Open carry of real weaponry is not permitted at AggieCon. All weapons, including concealed firearms, must be approved by security. Persons in possession of a concealed firearms are politely requested to bring proof of registration to the security lead or a designated representative.
AggieCon would like to ensure that all of our attendees have access to our programs and panels. However, the architecture of the venue may cause minor delays in reaching certain areas of the convention for those attendees who are mobility impaired. If you are in need of assistance at the convention, please do not hesitate to ask a volunteer to help you.
Help keep people moving, especially in high traffic areas such as hallways and the dealers room. Be mindful of your surroundings and move out of the way if you are causing a traffic jam. If someone else is causing a traffic jam, politely ask them to step aside.
Don’t block the way. Even if you aren’t in the way, your possessions might be. Make sure that your bag or costume isn’t keeping someone from moving freely through the convention space.
Offer to lend a hand. The staff of the Memorial Student Center and AggieCon volunteers have done their best to ensure space is available in all of the panel rooms for wheelchair or scooter using attendees. If you find yourself in a room where chairs or other items have been moved to block or fill this space, please help to clear the way.
AggieCon is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, offensive verbal comments, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, unwanted photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Violators of this policy will be removed from the Con. Attendees may report any violations of the Harassment Policy to any person wearing a security or convention staff badge.
Photographs, Videos, and the Press
External photography is not allowed in badge-only areas without permission from the Director and all parties that would be present in the images.
Members of the press must have and display a press badge issued by Registration at all times. Failure to respect the privacy of Aggie Con’s personnel, guests, and attendees will be grounds for removal.
Photographs taken at the convention may not be sold in any way without the permission of the people in the photograph and the permission of the Aggie Con Director.
Photograph's taken by the staff photographer of Aggie Con may take photos of all Aggie Con spaces without the express consent of those photographed. If requested by parties in the image, the photograph may be deleted. These photographs may be used as official Aggie Con promotional material, but may not be sold or used for any other reasons.
The convention and security staff reserve the right to request that you cease any behavior deemed to be inappropriate, overly disruptive, or otherwise disturbing to the enjoyment of other convention attendees. Repeated requests may result in revocation of badge and removal from the convention.